

Question by  Kldoss (117)

What are some tips for eating inexpensively?

I am on a tight budget.


Answer by  mem4dr (1378)

Avoid buying convenience foods such as pre-chopped vegetables, pre-rinsed fruits, etc. Make meat a once a week treat instead of having it every night. The staple of your diet should be beans and rice - it is extremely cheap and the combination provides a complete source of protein.


Answer by  5quid (31)

Eating at home is one of the best options for eating on a budget. Some of the cheapest foods to make at home are rice, pasta, and dried beans, especially lentils. Also remember that canned and frozen vegetables are cheaper than fresh.


Answer by  carrief (42)

At the end of the week, take the stuff out of your refrigerator or freezer that will go bad. Try making your own recipes. Chop up whatever meat you have, and whatever vegetables you have and put them in a crock pot, and make your own stews. Make bigger portions of whatever you cook and freeze them.


Answer by  Mary19 (21)

To eat inexpensively, look for coupons in your local newspaper. Also, check for restaurant specials on certain days of the week. Don't forget buy one get one half price specials.


Answer by  mascota (639)

Buy fruit and vegetables that are in season as they are usually a better price than out of season goods. Select your own and not buy huge amounts of pre weighed. This way you buy as much as you need. Look out for special offers. Get a supermarket loyalty card.

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