

Question by  mahendran (36)

What are some things to do when you are bored out of your mind?


Answer by  MelvinVanhorn (826)

Oh, I dunno, anything. Cheap things-read a book, take a walk, do volunteer walk, try finding an old friend, update your address book. Expensive things-see a movie, try a new place to eat, go miniature golfing, whatever. You are the cause of your boredom. There's things to do. Find them.

Reply by ellerbellerz (141):
Mini golfing= bored out of your mind. And so does "updating your address book"  add a comment

Answer by  nonameuser (11)

Play video games (on a Wii, Playstation, or XBox), read a book, go on Facebook and see what your friends are doing, call someone, listen to your favorite music, watch a movie, watch TV.

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