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Question by  asg (11)

What are some suggestions for waterproofing my deck?


Answer by  Timmmy (23)

Thompson sells a product for sealing anything made of wood. I have used it on wooden furniture, decks, and even the wooden deck of a small trailer. It is really simple to use. Simply paint it on with a brush or roller. It isn't as thick as paint so watch for drips. Then let dry and enjoy


Answer by  Karthikeyan (60)

There is a product called hydrostop which I have personally used and worked around that will waterproof anything. It is three layers applied by a certified installer and is very fast and cheaper than rubber. These will work as long as there no leaks along to the house.


Answer by  AnnArk (141)

Natural waterproofing substances such as oils or waxes are an eco-friendly choice for outdoor decks. One good substance to try, although it may not be the cheapest, would be beeswax.


Answer by  fancbiz (952)

Its can be better to make sure that you just place it in a deck that is free from water since it is not possible to water proof it completely.

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