reproductive health


Question by  Bernard (69)

What are some problems associated with a thinning uterus?


Answer by  glow (120)

A thinning uterus is typically only a concern during pregnancy or childbirth. Repeat Cesarean-sections can lead to a thinning of the muscular uterine wall, which can rupture when put under a great deal of stress, such as during childbirth.


Answer by  ChristinaRamirez (481)

When a woman has a thin uterus a doctor will recommend that she does not have any more child because risk of rupture and abnormal implantation.


Answer by  Melissa101010 (4405)

Usually you will go to the bathroom more but I am almost sure that if your uterus is thinning then you need to get to the doctor because usually that happens when you are pregnant and getting ready to have a baby. That is one of the first signs that you are going into labor.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

With a thinning uterus it will be more difficult for an embyro to implant into the side of the uterus, in addition your periods may become more crampy and blood flow during a period will be lighter. Please consult with your doctor about your options for treatment and care. If at any time you are concerned call your ob.

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