Can you provide me a quote that contains a quote?
How do you quote something?
What are some church bulletin board ideas?
What are some famous quotes about the love a grandparent has for a grandchild?
What are some good ideas for celebrating a pastor's church anniversary?
What are some ideas to raise money?
What is the correct way to write quotes within quotes?
Question by Kurt (4579)
"Turn before you burn" is played out at this point.
Answer by TheDoreman (18)
How About "Come For The Sermon, Stay For The Salvation!" or "Jesus Won't Vote You Off The Island" or "What Did You Just Say?, Better Come In Quick!" or "Sins? Check. Problems? Check. You on Sunday?" Hope these work for you.
Answer by Gertrude (107)
"Please join us for fishing lessons." "Live for the glory of God and the good of others." "We can hear Him now."
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