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Question by  Melissa72 (167)

What are some ideas for a fun 2nd grade project?


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

Grow plants under different conditions. Have the children decorate styrofoam cups and then plant seeds in them. Put som eof the cups in a dark closet, some in the bright sunshine. Give some water and some no water. each day observe and write down what each plant is doing. Make a growth graph at the end.


Answer by  Melissa72 (167)

Teach your students about aerodynamics by helping them build simple kites and then taking them out to test their creation. You can print-off templates for the kites, allow them to decorate them, attach pop sickle sticks to give it a firm shape, attach ribbon for a tale, add some kite string-- your done!


Answer by  Mable (3008)

Try experiments with dry ice! Everyone needs protective glasses and gloves. In addition to dry ice, purchase some denatured alcohol. Press a metal spoon against the dry ice -- it screams! Add dry ice to water -- it makes fog! Add dry ice to alcohol: now it's super-cold! Dip things, such as flowers or lettuce. Tap them and they smash!


Answer by  gummie (738)

There is a second grader in my household and his favorite project this year was making clay animals. The students liked pinching the dough into shapes and were able to add feathers, etc. Another fun idea was learning how to make bubble solution and blowing bubbles with different objects, even their cupped hands.

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