home remedies


Question by  Jennifer46 (29)

What are some home remedies for lymphedema?


Answer by  G12345 (1808)

Restricting sodium intake and having a free water limit are the most effective remedies, but should be done in consultation with your doctor. Other home remedies include position therapy and compression stockings.


Answer by  Teaberry (846)

Bromelain, 200-500 mg daily. It reduces swollen tissues. Butchers Broom, 100mg for a few months. This strengthens vessel walls. Ginger tea aids in circulation. Also try horse chestnut on area.


Answer by  lsands (17)

There are tight, restrictive socks that can be worn. Raise legs as parallel as you can to your heart. Switch positions if sitting for a long period of time. Watching salt intake because ingesting high amounts of salt will cause your body to retain water. Light exercise and massage.


Answer by  mjjaegly (211)

The lymphedema extremity should be elevated above the heart level. If at all possible the extremity ahould be wrapped in ace bandages during the day and removed at bedtime, this allows the skin beneath to breathe, and reduces pressure areas. Keep the area clean and dry. Avoid putting lotion in the affected area.


Answer by  sur (28)

Home treaments for lymphedema abound. One method is wearing compression garments such as support socks and pantyhose to improve circulation. Another is to elevate extremities, such as by using bed raisers or placing pillows beneath the mattress. Another suggestion is to avoid eating salty or spicy foods and practice proper hygiene.


Answer by  Bones (105)

Home treatment of lymphedema should focus on stimulating the circulation of the lymphatic fluid to prevent its pooling. Two excellent choices are massage and compression bandages. Walking while swinging the arms and swimming also work to decrease the amount of pooling. Special care must be taken to prevent any breakdown of the skin, since this can lead to infection.


Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

There are many things that can help with lymphedema. Doctors stress though that home remedies should be in conjunction with regular medical treatments. Do exercises that involve in jumping or using a trampoline is a good home remedy, along with epson salt baths and wheat germ juices.


Answer by  patti (29325)

It depends on the location of swelling. Often, light exercise, range of motion specifically, and light massage can help. Compression stockings are used for lymphedema in the lower extremities. Definitely have this discussion with your physician.


Answer by  kungfukid (1241)

The best way is to elevate the feet as much as possible, especially at night. Try to get the ankles higher than the hips. Compression stockings are best during waking hours.


Answer by  Muthulakshmijoshma (51)

Simple exercises are mostly preferred. Take a towel twist it tightly, hold it as it is and then reverse the direction. This strengthens the upper arms. Put one's arm on one's head,during the day. Prop at one's side on a pillow to above the heart level,during night time.

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