home remedies


Question by  uniqueusername (18)

What are some home remedies for a callous?


Answer by  Aubs (1089)

I recommend the ped-egg. A relatively cheap option that truly buffs away your callouses. Try soaking your feet after using this product to soften skin.


Answer by  Philedupwithknowlege (384)

There is a new product on TV being sold on an infomercial that is something that looks like a small cheese grater. The product is called the ped egg and even comes with a compartment to collect the shavings. It really seemed to work well.


Answer by  Manda (1103)

Best method is to soak it in water, or while you're in the shower. The skin there will then become soft; Then use a callous scraper.


Answer by  mellysa (162)

This all depends on where the callous is but I would recommend lotion. If the callous is located on your feet you should put Vic's Vapor Rub on your feet then put your socks on and wear throughout the night while you are sleeping.


Answer by  Amber66 (59)

A remedy would be to apply a heavy moisturiser to the callous to first soften it and then use a foot file to gently file the rough area away.


Answer by  Baobao (1273)

You can use aloe gel to moisturize the skin several times a day.You also can try some creams and lotions.Have more water and fruit in daily life.


Answer by  Anita27 (656)

Try making a salt scrub to remove your callouses at home. Mix equal parts of salt and safflower oil and run on your callous.

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