

Question by  avinashraj15yahoocom (16)

What are some good ideas for Halloween costumes for a two people?


Answer by  dblake (96)

A pair or contact lenses, and every so often your mate will wander off while you yell at everyone to stop because you lost him/her/it (you can do roughly the same act for socks). Balls. A fish and fishbowl. An actress and her lost underwear. Happy Halloween!

posted by Anonymous
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha lol  add a comment

Answer by  Jason41 (229)

Aragorn & Eowen from Lord of The Rings. Star Wars theme is always popular: Anakin & Padme, Obi-wan & Anakin or Princess Leia and Han Solo. Other ideas: Aladdin & Jasmine, Bonnie & Clyde, Cat & Mouse, Football Player & Cheerleader, Pocahantas & John Smith, Sheik & Harem Girl.


Answer by  YK (304)

A monk and a nun; a farmer and a cow (or other animal); a mermaid and a sailor; wine and cheese.


Answer by  SillyTeen (16)

A pair of Fuzzy Dice attached by a string A pair of handcuffs attached by a chain John Lennon and Yoko Ono A painter and his painting


Answer by  Javaholic (227)

Halloween costumes for two people can be found from various sources. There's the classic like Bonnie and Clyde or Wilma and Fred. Any superhero that also has a sidekick.


Answer by  nick37 (31)

If the two involved are both male then I'd suggest Mario and Luigi. If one is male and one is female, I'd suggest Mario and Peach.


Answer by  Anonymous

a sock and a foot


Answer by  baba24 (270)

A Bonnie and Clyde costume is always a favorite around Halloween time. Harriet Tubman and Nat Turner will is be always a bet to cause an uproar at the party. What about the newly elected President Baraka Obama and his wife Michelle for a nice presdential couple, that would be something a lot of people wouldn't think of.


Answer by  Anonymous

a penis and a vagina, then just run into eachother all night

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