

Question by  dagdvm (41)

What are some good career goals for a police officer?


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

Some good career goals for a police officer would be to move up to a detective or SLED. Also, to be an outstanding police man and have your town's crime rate go down after you have been working. Another goal would be police chief or head of a department.


Answer by  timerunning (805)

Some good career goals for a police officer would be having a certain number of criminals that he/she wants to put behind bars! Or maybe having a target for the kind of criminals that he/she goes after, say rapists or pedophiles and concentrates on them during his/her career.


Answer by  zeeeall (52)

short of surviving until retirement, i think police officers should set their goals to help the youth. programs such as DEAR need to be updated, reworked and reinvented. though i can see this can't be the goal of all officers i think it is not only Nobel but indispensable.

posted by Anonymous
it's called "DARE" to keep kids off drugs.  add a comment

Answer by  gman9976 (248)

I am a police officer now 23 years and my goal was to get promoted and do 25 years. I did get promoted and am 2 years away from 25 years in New York City. That is a goal anyone should want coming on to the force. Do your time and get a lifetime pension.


Answer by  Anonymous

Uhm. Maybe that you'd like to be a good popo.

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