
 music  name


Question by  shaukat (92)

What are some good band names?


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

Well for a rock group i would have the names, the clays, redring, scorpion, the dread, killers, for a smooth group i would have, the silkies, blondes, imitation, soother, palets.


Answer by  strchild65 (74)

A good band name is the Nebraska band 3 Day Meat Sale. The band has been around for over ten years, and they have always had a good response to their name. It is always one of the first questions that they are asked when they do an interview.


Answer by  robadams (15)

Some different good band names are Riot, Take to the streets, Graveyard Romance, The New Times, Foliex, Less Like Me, and Attack The Hero. All of these names are purley unique


Answer by  Richard88 (391)

Create something memorable by changing the part of speech into something unexpected. Examples: Ragged Ragged (repeats), Tuck Evening (wrong order for verb), Of The A (multiple determiners). Having some fun now: Hammer Me, Tu Fooled to Think, Ishkabibble, Whites of Her Eyes, Strained Reality.

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