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Question by  Zulqarnain (35)

What are some facts about the bird a sparrow?


Answer by  JennyWren (53)

There are many species of sparrow, in the genus Passer, ranging from 4" to 7" in size. Most are grey and brown, eat seeds and some small insects, but will also scavenge and eat almost anything available. The common house sparrow was first introduced to the US in 1852.


Answer by  stellargamebirds (121)

True Sparrows are in the family of Passeridae of the old world birds. They are covey birds and stick together in groups of nine in nest areas and travel together.There are new world sparrows as well. Sparrows consist of many species.


Answer by  catlover66 (112)

Sparrows are small seed eating birds that have an avg life span of four to seven years. They have short, thiuck, pointed bills.


Answer by  Missalissa (75)

Sparrows are some of the most common birds. Sparrows are about 6" long and live in brushy undergrowth. They are often found in towns.

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