

Question by  Joe88 (11)

What are some examples of soporific drugs?


Answer by  jheremans (1446)

Sopoforic drugs refer to sleeping pills or sleeping tablets, a famous example of this is the Valium. Other drugs that have this effect is Benadryl or Dyphenhydramine and doxylamine.


Answer by  swizz (390)

Some examples of soporific or hypnotic drugs are Ambien, Unisom, Melatonin supplements (like Ramelteon and Tasimelteon), Midazolam, Butobarbitone, Pentobarbitone. Antihistamines such as Allegra, Claritin and Xyzal are also examples of soporific drugs.

Reply by realist (0):
"Sopor" used to be one of the brand names of Methaqualone (Qualudes) ie
Rorer 714, Parest and Sopor.
3 different names from 3 different Pharma companies.  add a comment

Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

Soporific drugs are commonly known as sleeping pills, another name for them is hypnotic drugs. They induce sleeping and are commonly prescribed to people with sleeping disorders. There are also over-the-counter medicines that are considered soporific. A few of the drugs are: Valium,Ambien, Unisom, Lunesta. Allergy and cold medicines such as Benadryl and Nyquil are also considered soporific.


Answer by  rajlab17gmailcom (14)

Sopoforic drugs refer to sleeping pills or sleeping tablets, a famous example of this is the Valium. Other drugs that have this effect is Benadryl or Dyphenhydramine and doxylamine.


Answer by  NoirTheSable (69)

Soporific or "sleep-inducing" drugs include benzodiazepines (Halcion, ProSom), nonbenzodiazepines (Ambien, Sonata, Zimovane), antihistamines (Tylenol PM, Nyquil, Unisom), and certain antidepressants (Elavil, Sinequan, Desyrel). Always consult your doctor before taking.


Answer by  dx10 (144)

A soporific drug is any drug that induces sleep in the user. Ambien and Unisom are examples of this class of drug.


Answer by  quinton78 (5)

Phenergan Elixir, a sedating antihistamine is a soporific drug which is safe for children to help sleep and breathing, for allergies ( and long flights etc! )


Answer by  aearthdragon (471)

Alrighty, for us laymen Soporific drugs are sleeping pills. Here's some examples: Eszopiclone (Lunesta) Triazolam — a benzodiazepine derivative (Halcion) Zaleplon (Sonata) Zolpidem (Ambien)


Answer by  TiffanyNoelle (19)

The soporific drugs that can be purchased at a pharmacy are sleeping tablets, sleeping pills, and sleeping capsules. An illegal drug that has soporific effects is opium.


Answer by  localgirl808 (405)

Some common soporific drugs include sleeping pills (e.g. Lunesta, Ambien), sedatives/hypnotics (e.g. Valium, Xanax), and certain decongestants that contain diphenhydramine (e.g. Benadryl, Dimedrol).


Answer by  jaime24 (744)

Soporific drugs are drugs that help aid in sleeping. People with sleeping disorders take lunesta, ambien, or even over the counter sleeping pills are part of his family of drugs.


Answer by  cafish (2035)

Valium and Xanax cause drowsiness. Also, Benadryl and Allegra, used for allergies, cause drowsiness. Nytol and Ambien are two others that cause a person to sleep.


Answer by  Ginny (2251)

One of the common sleep-inducing drugs is the generic dipheynhydramine, sold as Nytol, Sominex,Compoz,Unisom,and Benadryl. Also, there is seco-barbitol Seconal, pentobarbital Nembutal, and zolpedam Ambien.

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