united states


Question by  RLozano (213)

What are some considerations for living in a travel trailer during a New England winter?


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

The key word here is warmth. Make sure your trailer is equipped with blankets, heaters and other things to keep you warm. Make sure you are not in the woods, where if you needed help you could get it easily. Have plenty of water and food, in case the electricty goes out.


Answer by  jonnyd (94)

You would want to make sure that the tires on your trailer are worthy of the always slick and icy roads. The weight of the trailer to make sure it will not be to light at the back and slide al over the place. Also the power sources for which it will run off of.


Answer by  Serafinah (232)

In a word - HEAT!!! Not only can the insulation help or hinder your travel trailers heat-maintaining capacity, but it can also keep water pipes from freezing. You need to make sure it is serviced by an RV professional before use, as the carbon monoxide levels need to be closely monitored any time the heat is used inside the trailer.


Answer by  DouglasEarlClore (1236)

New England winter's are very, very cold. Your travel trailer may not be well insulated or heated. If you use propane heat or cooking, be sure the venting is correct. You may have trouble finding a place to dump and clean your waste as many of the usual places may close for the season.


Answer by  Anonymous

Find a small woodstove, and put it in with small cement pavers stuck to the wall somehow so it doesn't catch fire to the travel trailer.

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