

Question by  nikola (14)

What are some considerations for an American citizen marrying a citizen of another country?


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

1. They may not be eligible to work for several years. 2. If the government thinks the marriage is done for citizenship, expect scrutiny and paperwork.


Answer by  Baobao (1273)

First, you must take culture difference into account since you two have different backgrounds in this aspect.Second, religion and family difference is also important.Third, the process of getting the marrying certificate may take longer time because they need to check very carefully.


Answer by  pszajna (18)

Americans lead very different lives. If the person marrying someone who is not American is a female, she may be surprised to find out that men in many countries openly do not view women as equal. If it is a male, they may notice a lack of independence.


Answer by  SNANDHINI (32)

The main consideration for marrying a citizen of another country is they know each other for a long time.They fall in love. Love has no religion, caste, country. It is something beyond that, people caring for each other with lots of love and affection and understanding each other. So they are getting marry and living happily.


Answer by  Anonymous

Consider moving to the "other" country. They might have good health insurance that doesn't get you into bankruptcy incase disaster strikes.

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