pet health


Question by  Salinda (48)

What are some common causes of diarrhea in domestic cats?


Answer by  Kaydee (252)

If your cat has diarrhea, the first thing to check for is intestinal parasites. Changing your cat's diet too quickly can also cause diarrhea. If the cat is an outdoor cat, eating rodents, songbirds, or drinking from water puddles can be another cause of diarrhea. Other common causes include stress, intestinal blockage, and disease.


Answer by  Acoustica (69)

It is possible for hairballs, food allergies, cow's milk (many cats are lactose intolerant), kidney/liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, worms, bacterial infections to cause diarrhea.


Answer by  Vanessa (387)

Worms are the main cause of diarrhea. Especially if you don't keep them treated for fleas. A change in food can do it too

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