health conditions


Question by  tardis (42)

What are some causes of lethargy?


Answer by  DrMom (854)

One cause of lethargy might be inadequate sleep. Depression can make a person lethargic. Anemia, chronic fatigue, diabetes, fever, emotional stress - all of these may contribute to feelings of lethargy. In any case, if lethargy is present persistently, you need to seek medical care.


Answer by  herzog (555)

Older women can develop low thyroid levels (hypothyroidism) which can lead to fatigue and lethargy. Periodically your thyroid function should be evaluated if you continue to feel exhausted.


Answer by  KMcRae (714)

Lethargy is a very general symptom. It can be caused by both physical or psychological factors. It can be a symptom of infection or of a psychological problem such as depression.


Answer by  earlnb (100)

It can be caused by something as simple as fatigue or a more serious condition such as a lack of oxygen to the brain or a drug or alcohol overdose. When a person has a seizure, they are often lethargic before returning to normal.

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