

Question by  dragonflygirl (15)

What can I do for a lethargic dog?


Answer by  jamie1 (291)

Unfortunately, lethargy is a very common symptom of many illnesses in dogs. It is a symptom for the following things: infectious diseases, anemia, pain, arthritis, ear infections, eye problems, etc. Lethargy could also be age related or caused by lack of stimulation! Make sure play with and walk your dog. You might want to take your dog to a vet.


Answer by  jtalone (105)

A change in diet can be the difference between a lethargic dog and an active, happy dog. Be sure that your dog is eating enough and is eating the right "things" - plenty of vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates for energy. If the disorder becomes severe, seek professional advice for a course of treatment.


Answer by  worker7654 (1033)

Give him food and water and make sure that he eats. Chicken ans rice is a good option since dogs will eat it more often than kibble. This will also help settle their stomach and that should take care of it. If it does not get better than a vet should be seen


Answer by  thrishulrulz (150)

Siberian ginseng is one of the most effective energy boosting herb that you can try,rosemary also could be tried. Vitamin B complex is very essential and effective.

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