


Question by  Kelly97 (28)

What are some antioxidant rich foods?

I am changing my diet.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

The foods the tend be highest in antioxidants are usually berries - acqui, blueberry, cherry, and elderberry are all great. Certain teas, such as green tea, are very high in antioxidants as well. For a dessert, the darker the chocolate, the higher it's contents in the powerful anti cancerous properties.


Answer by  Connie45 (1110)

Think in terms of color: Red, orange, and yellow bell peppers; eggplant; broccoli, spinach, kale, chard, fresh or canned pumpkin; fruits such as blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, boisenberries, cranberries or its juice; pomegranates or pomegranate juice. The more vibrant the color, the greater number of antioxidants the food or drink contains.


Answer by  jen37 (1135)

Fruits are known for having high antioxidant levels, such as pomegranates, and berries. But I think most fruits and veggies have decent, and varying content, so getting a good variety is best. I have also heard that shitake mushrooms are good and have antioxidants in them that are not found many other places.


Answer by  Mary07 (199)

The following foods have high levels of antioxidants: oranges, spinach, beets, tomatoes, eggplant, apples, grapefruit, pears, carrots, cauilflower, brussel sprouts and beans.

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