

Question by  hernando (30)

What are possible causes of left leg pain?


Answer by  Purple (948)

Poor circulation and being over weight could be the problem. Also, sciatic nerve pain could be the problem. That shoots down one side of the leg or hip area and causes great pain. You will need a muscle relaxer and therapy on that area would help the muscles and pain to go away. Try using an infrared heat at home.


Answer by  lcapurro812 (237)

This depends on what "type" of pain it is. For example, if it is a shooting pain, take note of where it shoots from and this area is probably the source of the problem. If it is a tender local pain, this may indicate muscle sprain or tear.


Answer by  Emtb (33)

Trauma - you may have injured yourself by falling or running into something. It could also be a bite from an insect or animal, a scratch that has been infected. It could also be a sign of a heart attack, a muscle infarction, or general loss of blood flow to extremity.


Answer by  eyeguy (3760)

Any number of causes including vein blockage, dehydration, calcium depletion from high blood pressure medications of something as simple as a spider bite.


Answer by  sue123 (375)

There are so many causes that it would be extremely difficult to pinpoint without visiting your Doctor. I suggest making an appointment if the pain lasts more than one week.


Answer by  meanlook (74)

Leg pain can be caused by several things. Sciatic nerve pain is one major cause of left or right leg pain.


Answer by  Sharyl (340)

There are several but what comes to mind are blood clots, broken bones, twisted or sprains, artritis you really must be seen by a dr to determine the causes. they will probubly start with x rays and sonars.


Answer by  sooryastar (29)

Leg pains are due to many reasons.To specify some,age is a factor which affects leg pain.Leg pain in the nature of a particular leg for instance,left leg is because of hitting that leg somewhere.

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