what is


Question by  bds (9)

What are loofah sponges?

Were they once animals?


Answer by  pattonlex (7)

Loofah sponges were once animals. Today, people catch them and dry them out to use them in the shower or bath. These sponges are excellent to remove tough, dead skin cells. Most people use them as an exfoileator and they do quite well.


Answer by  Deb43 (579)

Loofah sponges are great beauty aids to exfoliate dead skin in the shower. They are naturally grown and their production has little impact on the environment. Use them to gently scour away the dead skin cells, leaving behind glowing young looking skin.


Answer by  HawaiianGirl (6906)

Loofah sponges are sponges that people often use as a tool to wash up their bodies during a bath or shower. They were never once animals. Some sponges however were once living creatures. They are a type of living creature found in the ocean. Some sponges however are artificially made.


Answer by  riTch (99)

Loofah sponges are from plants and therefore, are not from animals. They are tropical and subtropical vines. They are used exfoliating dead skin.

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