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Question by  VeronicaBlack (7)

What are good dogs for someone with a small house?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Poodles and chihuahuas are at the top of the list. They accept small areas, pee pad training, and don't mind being couch potatoes. has a lot of good information.


Answer by  angelsdozens (218)

Small dogs are good for small houses. I always suggest visiting your local pound or shelter first, but there are plenty of purebreds and designer dogs too. Try a Shih-Poo!


Answer by  wwq (9)

White schnauzers. The black/gray ones are pretty aggressive and bark a lot, but the white ones I've seen so far are just sweet and domestic, you won't have trouble with these. Poodles and Chihuahuas are an alternative, relatively quiet and non-space needing, but I really do recommend the white schnauzers.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Every dog needs space to run so if you don't have a lot of room go with a Smaller dog. Small breeds will find room to run in your house.

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