Can you provide options for water retention in my legs assocatied with type 2 diabetes, low testoserone, over weight and a cut in my leg?
If I broke my leg on someones property are they liable for my injuries?
Is it legal to force an employee to pay for a walk out?
What can I do to help my dog who has hurt his back legs and can not walk?
What causes legs to feel heavy when walking?
What could be wrong if I have pain behind my kneecap and can't walk on that leg?
Why does my leg swell more when I use a cam walker?
what is
Question by Taylor58 (6)
Is it legal to own fetters?
Answer by KOB (20)
A fetter is a type of shackle that is place on the legs. The fetters limit mobility, but will allow the person to be able to walk. They are legal.
Answer by diamond90 (309)
Fetters are worn on ankles which helps limit the freedom of movement for the person who wears them much like handcuffs. I do not recall them being illegal.
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