what is


Question by  talisa (137)

What are epitaphs?

Is that the same as an epitath?


Answer by  patti (29325)

The word is Greek for "on the gravestone." An epitaph can be something like "beloved husband and father" or it can be Scripture, or a representative poem. An epitaph usually includes the name, and dates of birth and death. Epitaphs can be humorous, too. "Epitath" is a common mispronunciation of "epitaph."


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

They are small texts that honor a deceased person, usually on a gravestone or other marker. Epitath is the same thing, just spelled incorrectly. They can be poems, brief family history, words that were decided by the deceased before death, some by the family members that were left behind, etc.

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