health conditions


Question by  Dragos (17)

What are causes of frequent bowel movements?


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Either you are coming down with a cold or flu. You have eaten something that did not agree with you. Certain foods can cause frequent bowel movements, sauer kraut, cabbage, nut, whole grain if you haven't drank water. You should drink plenty of water to push these impurities through your system.


Answer by  kdem (551)

IBS or irritable bowel syndrome is usually the cause. Try increasing fiber and include a pro biotic in your diet. Could also be dumping syndrome.


Answer by  cafish (2035)

One reason could be an infection that needs to be treated with antibiotics. Another reason could be that you are not eating enough roughage. Try eating fresh fruit and vegetables.


Answer by  Jolie (1227)

This could be due to adding more fiber to your diet. Also it could be becasue you have some sort of sickness that is causing this.

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