

Question by  sashascreations (31)

What are causes of a skin rash on a child?


Answer by  JoetteB (62)

Three of the most common causes are heat rash, diaper rash, or an allergic reaction. If you've recently changed laundry detergent, that's where I'd look first.


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

Allergic reactions, reactions to medication and infection can easily cause skin rashes on children. Talk to a doctor to figure out what is causing it.


Answer by  hugginz (22)

Allergic reactions can cause a skin rash for example being allergic to laundry detergent or a food allergy can also cause a rash.


Answer by  KIndiraNarasimham (142)

A rash is a reaction of the skin. It can be caused by many things, such as a drug reaction, an infection, or an allergic reaction.

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