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Question by  elsewhen (627)

What animal travels the longest distance?


Answer by  netbizguru (20)

The Great White Shark must surely be a contender for this title. Some individuals have been tracked swimming from the West-coast of America, around South America and up to Florida on the East-coast. Then from Florida to the Mediterranean and around Africa, finally ending their journey in the waters of Australia. The Great White Shark gets my vote...


Answer by  Dean (4035)

Migratory birds travel the greatest distances away from their original location, then travel back. Emporer penguins cover serious miles in their lives, but in a circular route.


Answer by  pdavenpo (74)

A bird travels the longest distance because of migration. During the winter months they travel south to escape the cold of the areas normally live. Some birds are known to travel more than 10000 miles to get south in the winter.

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