

Question by  ben38 (13)

Should my resume clearly indicate my age?


Answer by  Darry (3853)

Traditionally you should avoid any information on your resume that indicates your age, religion, gender, or race. Obviously there are exceptions to these rules for very specific employers that would require this information. Outside of these small exceptions you should not disclose this information as it may actually work against you when your resume is being evaluated.


Answer by  debbie80 (161)

A resume should not reflect a person's age as this should not be a factor in the hiring process and could lead to age discrimination.


Answer by  somerset (801)

No, I do not think it is necessary. Your skills, education and experience are important. Your age will be somewhat apparent after you indicate the year you have received your college degree, or when you list your employments.


Answer by  jojogeorge (53)

The resume should indicate the age. Your age should not be put, but it can be indicated by giving the year in which you finished 10th and 12th Std.

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