Of course! Poor thing. If you own an animal you need to be responsible and take to vet. They will probably hydrate her and give her a laxative that will help. Believe it or not it is actually affordable. Your cat must be in pain and uncomfortable. Unreal!!
See your vet as soon as possible to help relieve your kitten's constipation. Make sure your kitten is fully hydrated by giving them water through eyedropper or bottle.
Your cat needs to go to the vet. Many times a cat will develop an obstructed bowel and will have to have surgery. The sooner you get him in the better, after 9 days there is definitely an issue. The vet can tell you if there is an infection going on.
Definetly ! Garthy1 had constipation due to illness. His doctor had to put him out, and it took 9 cat enimas for him to poop again. So, take him/her to the vet . It could be an underlining illness, like diabetes, or other. Ktt