

Question by  keri20threeGmailcom (13)

Should I be concerned about my daughter starting her period early?


Answer by  gummie (738)

Most girls get their menstrual cycle between 12-18 years of age. My own daughter started puberty around the age of 8 1/2 and got her period at 10 1/2. Her pediatrician noted that she was developing very young, but showed no cause for alarm. I got my first period on my eleventh birthday. Happy Birthday to me!


Answer by  diegogoni (20)

It really depends how early is early, all girls develop at different rates and there is normally nothing to worry about as long as they are regular, if they are however unregular or there are problems such as they are constant then you should be concerned and see a doctor.


Answer by  aearthdragon (471)

No you shouldn't be concerned. Teenagers as young as 10 have been known to start menstrual cycles. The average age for menarche (first period) has been getting younger as our society has better nutriton and health care. Just talk with her and explain periods, pregnancy, sex. You'll be glad you did.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Depends on her age. If she demonstrates early "precocious" puberty signs (e.g. breast or armpit/pubic hair development, acne, menstruation) before the age of 7-8, talk to a physician. Otherwise puberty varies. I didn't get my period until I was 14, but my sister got hers at 9 and this is normal, too.

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