

Question by  larababe (22)

Should I be concerned about a small sore on my scalp?


Answer by  dfpogo (30)

A small sore could heal on its own. If it grows, changes in color, or has rough edges, it may be best to consult a dermatologist


Answer by  Serafinah (232)

Absolutely have it checked by a qualified health professional - it could be nothing more than a bug bite but it could be skin cancer (highly unlikely though).


Answer by  Kayla (144)

I do not think so. It is probably just a sore from either a pimple or dandruff clump in your hair. If it itches then get it checked out.


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

Yes, watch it carefully and if it does not get better then go see a doctor. Do not scratch it or rub it too hard.

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