


Question by  Anonymous

Should I be concerned about a red mole?


Answer by  Tigerbelle (252)

Any suspicious mole or a mole that changes in size, shape or color should be evaluated by a health care professional. Remember to wear sunscreen every day in order to properly protect your skin.


Answer by  bl834 (1317)

Most red moles are angiomas, which are perfectly harmless. But it is always best to have moles checked out if they have changed color (from brown to reddish, for example).


Answer by  Aubs (1089)

I hate to say it, because it can be scary, but yes. Moles are not supposed to be red (unless you have picked at it or knicked it with a razor). Cancerous moles often have odd shades, colores, and sizes. It might be nothing, but get it checked out.


Answer by  localgirl808 (405)

That depends on a few things: Did it appear only recently? Is it symmetrical with smooth edges, or does it look asymmetrical and have "fuzzy" edges? Is it raised and itchy/sore? If any of these things are true, you should see a doctor about it.


Answer by  afree01 (128)

You should probably check with a dermatologist about your mole. There are lesions known as angiomas, which look like red moles but are just blood vessels. If this is the case it only needs to be removed if it gets infected. You should still check with a doctor though.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Yes , you should be fairly considered. Its the most dangerous type of mole to have that is linked to cancer or melignant melanoma. Get it checked now!


Answer by  diva25 (4016)

I think you should see a doctor if you have any concerns about things like this. They are going to know more about this than anyone else since they went to medical school.


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

Yes. If it bleeds or starts to itch it is extemely urgent to consult your doctor.Usually black moles are found to be harmless comparitively,but red moles are definitely not good.They are giving you symptoms for either cancer or somes other serious problem.Go to your physician immediately.

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