

Question by  Haken (14)

My Toshiba 40H80 TV went blank. What happened?


Answer by  Zaka (2315)

As with some other Toshiba products it probably overheated and the systems safety feature of the unit shut off all pertinent systems. Contact Toshiba to see if there's a recall.


Answer by  Jacob47 (295)

First of all check any cable and change the power connection. If there is no changes i tihnk that you better call Toshiba for further information


Answer by  gwizzy2009 (204)

Is your TV still properly plugged into your wall and is it properly getting electricity? If it is, it might be a more serious problem like damage to the internal computer circuitry or the display screen. You will need to contact a trained Toshiba technician to examine your television for damage.


Answer by  Christian9247 (5042)

Well if you've checked your plug first, more than likely the plasma tube blew. This is common in most high definition televisions, the tubes which light them dim and go out easier and regularly than normal. It's better to just buy a new television then try and replace it.

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