


Question by  scigirl (129)

My puppy's ears are swollen, what should I do?


Answer by  doglover24 (73)

If it's the tip of the ear they may have just scratched it to hard. If it's the base of the ear, take them to a vet. It could be a simple ear infection or something much worse like a ruptured blood vessel. Your vet will be able to tell you what's going on and any treatments needed.


Answer by  sasser1102 (198)

This could be an infection, fluid build up, or just a general cleanliness issue. The puppy needs to go to the vet immediately. There are medications for this, but it is very important to keep certain breeds of dogs ears clean. Especially dogs that have longer ears. They pick up dirt from their environment easily.


Answer by  Maiu (64)

Take your puppy immediately to the veterinary. It could be only a irritation but the most common affection is a hematoma, which is a collection of blood outside the blood vessels in the dog's ear. The blood need to be drained by a veterinary with a tube, but don't fear, it's a relatively simple procedure and your puppy will be alright.


Answer by  shobasvk (79)

My puppy's ears are swollen,I must bring him to see a veterinarian. First thing i must do is check what is the reason that made his ears swollen. Did he fight with other dogs or he's having infection to his ears. I need to ask the vet why he is in that condition so that next time i'll take good care of him.


Answer by  wwgt (7)

hold him , love and kiss him. reassure him that all is well

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