

Question by  tipper169 (1)

My golden retriever was spayed at 6 months and at times it smells as if she's "bleeding". What is this?


Answer by  mesh (351)

Female dogs generally still give off an odor after being spayed. A lot of times this is from ducts in their anus that need to be deflated.


Answer by  herzog (555)

Your Golden could have a case of vaginitis as the vagina is not removed when spaying. Take her to the vet and have her checked for a vaginal infection.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Your golden may still have a false estrus, but if she'ss having seepage, and you are getting an odor, I strongly suggest you consult your vet, there may be a problem here- she may be having a urinary tract infection. It's odd you say you are "smelling" bleeding, she may just be having a cycle, w/out heat. Consult your vet.

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