


Question by  Angel (44)

My feline has impacted stools, what should I do?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

You need to find out why. This isn't a natural occurrence in felines. Give fresh water, but if constipation is already the case, you need a vet. Cats don't normally constipate, usually quite the opposite. If it is at this point, and no tumors involved, she may need IV fluids.


Answer by  kakoe (989)

It is best to take your cat to the vet so he can diagnose what the problem is, as impacted stools can signal both minor issues such as dehydration, or major problems such as colon tumors. The vet may recommend something simple such as putting your cat on softer food, or making sure he gets more water.


Answer by  antrobus (140)

There are a few vet recommended dietary solutions that help ease bowel movement in cats, as well as some medicine to loosen stools and ease passage out of the body.


Answer by  Duncan (1124)

The first thing you should do is get pet health insurance. It only costs about $12 a month. Once you have that, go to the vet and have them deal with it. You can't just stick a pencil up there and loosen it up, so get a professional to help your cat out.

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