


Question by  ousideinsider (32)

My dog has been yelping and barking in his sleep, what could be wrong with him?


Answer by  HannahTheWitch (45)

He's probably having a dream or is awake and something is bothering him, like an itch or he wants his ear's scratched.


Answer by  Anonymous

If he responds, it's from him dreaming. If not, it could be canine seizures. You may want to check with your vet if he doesn't respond in a couple of touches or mild shaking.


Answer by  ram00910 (29)

Your dog is mostly likely just having a bad dream and is 'talking' in his sleep. There's probably nothing wrong with him.


Answer by  S54 (39)

There's no reason to be concerned about your dog. It simply means she's dreaming. My dog does it all the time. I was concerned when I first noticed it, so I called the veterinarian and was told that it is completely normal for dogs to bark, yelp, or even growl in their sleep.


Answer by  Sammer (72)

Most likely nothing is wrong with your dog. Dogs often bark or yelp when they dream, like a person who talks in their sleep. However, if you are really worried you can take your dog to a vet to be sure there is nothing wrong.


Answer by  Anonymous

That's normal! It could be nightmares. But if it gets too bad, like if he wakes up very scared, try your best to calm him.

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