


Question by  Chris25 (17)

My dog has bad breath and is tired, what is wrong with her?


Answer by  daniellepd (8)

Your dog could have a dental condition such as gingivitis. If the bad breath has been persistent, it could be signs of a more serious medical condition.


Answer by  StarOne (941)

The bad breath could be caused my a severe case of periodontal disease. This is a disease or infection of the dogs gums. This in turn could be making your dog tired. The best thing to do is take you dog to your veterinarian. Blood tests can be run to insure your dog gets the right treatment.


Answer by  Erica95 (323)

As with any sudden behavioral changes take your dog to the vet. She could have had something rotten to eat and is feeling sick from it.


Answer by  kendall (95)

Bad breath could be caused by several things: infected or rotten teeth, digestive issues etc. As for the symptom of tiredness your vet can run blood work to see if she is lacking vitamins or minerals in her diet or if she is suffering from something more serious.

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