I've got a big heavy wheelchair tray that is hard to get on and off. Can anyone suggest an alternative?
Can you help me find a lap tray that will double as a caring bag for my computer, laptop?
Can you help me locate a wheelchair accessory, I need a light weight tray that I can Velcro things to so that it is easier for me to get around?
How do you measure a man's jacket for fit?
On the train I like to work on my laptop, but I can't always get a seat with a table. Can anyone suggest a solution?
What can you tell me about securing my weeping willow foundation?
What is something to Velcro my games console to, to stop it from falling off my lap?
Question by dunk541 (49)
Answer by fcat (26)
It is a light weight convenient bag used by people who are in wheelchairs, usually for storage and a small table for food and drinks.
Answer by Derbyboo (442)
A trabasack is a fully integrated wheelchair sack with a travel sack and tray which is designed to fit snugly against the waist of a person sitting in a wheelchair to make a secure surface for the person to use.
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