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digestive health


Question by  tarrenj (17)

Is Throat Coat Tea safe to use for occasional constipation?


Answer by  wendyj (359)

It's certainly safe to drink but it won't do anything for constipation, since it's intended for a sore throat. Check with your doctor for good constipation treatment options.


Answer by  jgrossman (6)

I do not see it being harmful in any major way. Many drinks with caffeine, such as coke or coffee, help with constipation. Since tea has caffeine in it as well, I think it would be helpful. As long as there are no poisonous elements to the tea, it should be fine.


Answer by  ranakhan (164)

No it is not useful for constipation.Throat coat tea has no concern with constipation and it's intended for a sore throat.i think throat coat tea is safe to drink but it is not a medicine for constipation.


Answer by  Sara89 (367)

Yes, Throat Coat is an effective laxative for occasional use. It contains senna, which is a common ingredient in many "stimulant" laxatives.

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