mental health


Question by  elsewhen (627)

Is there anything I can do to have more good dreams and fewer bad dreams?


Answer by  Dorje (17)

Personally I find that dreams are subject to one's state of mind before retiring to bed. If you can maintain a cheerful and calm outlook before going to bed, perhaps by having a relaxing bath or listening to some soothing music, then generally dreams won't be disturbing or unpleasant.


Answer by  jakeehlen (13)

think positive and the positive will come to you if you think negative and the negative will come to you read the book the secret or watch the movie and you will understand everything in life


Answer by  elsewhen (627)

You might want to read up on "lucid dreaming". This is a technique that gives you control over your dreams, while you are dreaming. I haven't been able to do it, but many people swear by the technique and it seems plausible.


Answer by  apple (447)

Reduce the stress in your life.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

If you start to have a bad dream, you should tell yourself it is only a dream and that you can change the dream, so you can change the out come of the dream into something happy. You can change the dream into something nice and pleasent.


Answer by  kat43xxnetzerocom (29)

Meditating before bed can help you relax and open up your mind to more pleasant thoughts. It is important to let go of the days events and stress of the day. Good thoughts will lead to good dreams and you'll sleep better, too.

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