

Question by  bg (28)

Is there any treatment for facial age spots?

I have quite a few of these age spots.


Answer by  doll (119)

They are caused by a poor diet, i.e. eating meat, dairy, sugar, processed and refined foods with little or no nutrition, fast and fried foods, soda and junk food. Eat a diet of healthy foods full of nutrients, i.e. fresh fruits and vegetables, and drink lots of water. Also exercize daily and get lots of sleep.


Answer by  walter80 (409)

The best thing to do with facial age spots is to disguise them with make-up. Always remember to use a good moisturiser during the day and at night.


Answer by  littleamy85 (184)

If you stay out of the sun, it will help with keeping facial age spots to a minimum. Wearing SPF on your face should help prevent from more age spots from appearing as well as some creams out in the market.


Answer by  leah84 (1043)

There are creams that you can buy over the counter that will lighten the appearance of age spots. Creams won't get rid of them completely, but it will help some.

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