

Question by  jana (1)

Is there any difference between pc and laptop?


Answer by  Blossom9283 (358)

When people speak of PC's they are generally talking about a desktop computer. These tend to be stationary due to the size of them but can be more powerful then a laptop for the same price. In turn, a laptop is more portable and smaller, and can generally be brought with you where you need to go.


Answer by  conjcm (122)

A PC describes the operating system of a computer. PC's have a Windows operating system. Desktops and laptops can be a PC. The alternative would be an Apple computer, just as with PCs there are Apple desktops and laptops. Linux is another, much smaller used operating system that holds to the same principles.


Answer by  jhitchin (92)

While PC's and laptops can both run the same operating system software, the main differences are portability and upgradability. You could take your tower everywhere, but a laptop will be lighter and easier to carry around. Also, if you want to upgrade the hardware, a tower makes it simple, a laptop can't always have its hardware replaced.


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

A personal computer is usually classed to be a desktop where you sit at a desk with a monitor and tower and it is not portable. A laptop is more portable where you can sit anywhere with your laptop. They are both personal computers when used at home and not in a work environment.


Answer by  NataschaBabyyy (5)

=>There are tons of differences.The laptop was created in 1981, The pc in 1976, Lap is Portable and the Pc is large. The Pc holds more memory, but the Lap can sometimes be upgraded. lap uses battery, the Pc is pluged in, but lap can be. Weight Varies.. Btw. Im14..ThankYou!:)


Answer by  Anonymous

If you mean desktop computer for pc, then yes. A desktop computer is needs a cpu keyboard and a monitor to. The laptop is very portable you can bring it anywhere you go, It is light and small. Check www. computerspclaptop. com for reviews of computer laptop pc.


Answer by  muthuan (9)

Yes. There is lot of difference between Laptop and PC, They are, 1. Laptop is easy to move to places but PC is not easy to move. 2. Laptop can be used while on travelling but PC cannot. 3. PC can be used comfortably for longer hours. But Laptop cannotbe used for longer hours comfortably.

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