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Question by  ssueela (21)

Is there an emergency hood release for the BMW 335i?


Answer by  thattractorguy (2970)

There is a handle under the dash to release the hood and a handle under the hood to open it. If the release is broken, pull the cable with pliers.


Answer by  zackgm (45)

No, there is not an emergency hood release. There just the normal hood release which is locate on the driver's side kick panel below the dash. Pull handle to release hood and pull safety latch and open hood.


Answer by  oddflash (902)

There is no emergency hood release for the BMW 335i that I can find. I contacted BMW and was told that there is no reason for there to be one so one wasn't included.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

I have never heard of an emergency hood release. There should be two on any newer car. On inside to pop the hood and a safety latch at the front of the hood to keep the hood from flying open while driving.


Answer by  MrAuto (20)

Using a hex key or a bent piece of wire feed it into the grill and hook the arm on the latch mechanism and pull out releasing the hood.


Answer by  prasad60 (9)

There is a handle under the dash to release the hood and a handle under the hood to open it. If the release is broken, pull the cable with pliers.


Answer by  jillandlexy (37)

Is it possible you are referring the the emergency trunk release? If so all newer vehicles are equipped with this feature and it is usually a bright neon color.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

On every modern car there are only two releases. One in the passenger compartment and a secondary releases at the second safety latch.

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