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 fish  pets


Question by  CrimsonZ (17)

Is there a way to tell if a goldfish is male or female?


Answer by  Anonymous

Yes Females have more rounded fins and males have more straight fins hope this helps =D XD =] :) Amber


Answer by  gemmie (33)

Yes, if it's a male, it will chase and try to nip the female. The males also develop small white spots on their gill covers. Another way to tell is by looking at it's anal opening.If it's a male, the vent does not stick out, it goes inward. The female's sticks out.


Answer by  trombonequeen (36)

A male will have what resembles white pimples on the gills. There should also be a concave waste opening. A female's will stick out away from her body (convex).

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