


Question by  JamesMJenkins (16)

Is there a way to predict the eye color of my child?


Answer by  G12345 (1808)

Based on the eye color of the parents you may be able to predict. Green and blue tend to be recessive, where as brown tends to be dominent genetic inheritence.


Answer by  Snow4Life (49)

Although there really is no 100& absolute way to tell, you can always try to predict your child's eye colour by making a Punnett Square. You can look up instructions to making one online- it's very easy to make. Remember, gene mutations happen, and it shows the most likely outcomes. This also works for hair colour. Good Luck!


Answer by  SavaFiend76 (72)

If both parents have the same eye color, the child might follow suit. If either parent has a parent with a different eye color than they have, it's possible for it to "skip" a generation and be passed to the child. It's possible to make an educated guess about eye color, but not to predict with any certainty.


Answer by  bitchstewie (489)

The only way to predict the color of your child's eyes is a DNA test. However, the color of the kids eyes will be the color of one of the parents if both parents have blue eyes the child will too.


Answer by  amtcura66 (1340)

Eye color is based upon genetics. If you really want to know then go to a geneticists or you can guess.

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