health conditions


Question by  jbalon (10)

Is there a cure for kidney disease?


Answer by  mpartin (1600)

No, there is no known cure. You only can treat the symptoms with diet, what you drink and dialysis. If the condition is chronic then dialysis will be performed more frequently so that the toxins are being flushed out of your system because the kidneys are no longer able to perform their function.


Answer by  Silver575 (69)

Unfortunately, no. When a person's kidneys are severly diseased or failing, the treatment usually involves a specialized low-sodium or low-potassium diet and a lifelong therapy called dialysis. The kidneys cannot regenerate, so the treatment is terminal, meaning until the patient dies. This is usually caused by advanced diabetes mellitus and hypertension. However, mild-to-moderate damage from other causes usually involves medication.


Answer by  countrygal (164)

The only cure for Kidney disease is a transplant. However there is Kidney Dialysis that cleans the impurities from your blood.


Answer by  sarah1967 (626)

There is not a cure for Kidney disease. There are many different reasons for kidney disease so each persons disease must be treated for the individuals needs. Treat the disease and the process will be slowed down and longevity of life will be extended.


Answer by  elynne (1153)

That is a very broad question. Some problems with the kidneys can be cured with dialysis, medication or even changes in the diet. Other problems require surgery. Unfortunately there are some kidney probles that are at present without a cure. Only a kidney specialist can determine this clearly.

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