


Question by  pcguy (307)

Is Revlon lipstick better than Clinique?


Answer by  jamie11 (604)

I find that no one lipstick is better over another. I prefer Clinique over Revlon, if had to choose one. However, I find Cover Girl is just as good too.


Answer by  foo2525 (257)

Well, revlon is definitely cheaper but in my opinion, you should go with revlon because it's cheaper and does the same thing as clinique.


Answer by  Wil (54)

Clinique lipstick is better because it is anti-allergic and has brighter colors, it is also a very selective trademark while Revlon is cheaper and widely sold.


Answer by  gindeer (81)

yes revlon lipstick is better than clinique because its fits in asian skin and the lipstick won't melt and last longer on lips when you apply.

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