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Question by  Gunrunner (561)

Is Photo blocker legal in Tennessee?


Answer by  Samhane (703)

A photo blocker is usually not legal in any state. However, you can purchase glare paint that would do the same job at the fraction of the cost! This can be applied in one application and does the same job. This is not visible to anyone and is completely legal.


Answer by  Atomicrayon (2504)

No. It's not legal in most states, only a few i can think of, but no worries. They are soon abolishing the use of cameras to give out traffic tickets.


Answer by  Jimbob (2275)

It is legal but if it actually works is another thing. These devices are sold under all sorts of claims but only work in the right conditions. You can legally have one but be careful buying.


Answer by  Jill13 (263)

Photo Blocker appears to be legal in every state except California, although regulations may vary in different jurisdictions throughout the state. A license plate must not be visible and unobstructed, however the law has not interpreted this to include visibility beyond what can be seen by the naked eye.


Answer by  kennethjgoodson (4903)

Photo blockers are illegal in most states. If you are breaking the law you should be punished. If you are not breaking the law you would not have to worry about a photo blocker.


Answer by  mdjames26 (533)

Photo blocker is not banned by the state but it varies from one county to the next as to whether or not it is legal or not. There are only a few states that ban the practice for the entire state and Tennessee is not one of them, but be careful crossing county lines if you get caught with it.

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