

Question by  Thomas99 (24)

Is non-acetone nail polish effective? What are some good brands?


Answer by  Marvelmomma (124)

Non-acetone nail polish is plenty effective. It sometimes requires that you scrub a little more than you do for acetone, but it sure smells better and is less toxic. It helps if you let it soak in a little bit before you start trying to remove it with a cotton ball.


Answer by  Amie (430)

Non-acetone nail polish remover works just fine for taking off any color of nail polish. The only time it is recommended that you use an acetone nail polish remover is if you are trying to remove acrylic tips or full nails. The nail polish remover that I find works best is Cutex. Store-brands can sometimes leave your hands feeling dry.


Answer by  annie52foof (1459)

I use non acetone nail polish remover and it seems to work just fine. Cutex is a good brand but I also have good luck using the store brand.

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